KAUST: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Head Office:
Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
15,000 people / 3,000 students (Saudi Arabia)
The University’s core campus, located on the Red Sea at Thuwal, is sited on more than 36 square kilometres (9600 hectares), encompassing a marine sanctuary, museum, and research facility.
Scope of work:
Ecosafe were engaged by KAUST to develop a Water Safety Plan for their potable water supply system which supplies potable water up to approximately 15 000 residents, students, employees and visitors. The project commenced with a site visit which included inspection and assessment of assets, including their 40,000m3/day desalination plant, and conducting a risk assessment workshop to systematically assess the system from source to points of use. Building upon the information gained from the site visit and risk assessment, a Water Safety Plan was developed in line with the principles World Health Organisation’s Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.
Project outcome:
The Water Safety Plan provides guidance for KAUST to protect the health of residents, students, employees and visitors of KAUST through adopting a risk-based approach to the management of drinking water. This is intended to be achieved by ensuring drinking water supplied to consumers and end users within KAUST meets the health and aesthetic guideline values as outlined in the World Health Organisation’s Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.