Legionella Management
Our Legionella Management Process

Legionella bacteria are found naturally in the environment (water and soil) and are the bacteria responsible for causing the respiratory disease Legionnaire’s Disease. A term frequently used to describe Legionnaire’s disease is Legionellosis, which is merely the collective term describing any illness caused by the bacteria Legionella pneumophila and includes Pontiac Fever (milder non pneumonia flu-like illness). Legionnaire’s disease is responsible for numerous fatalities worldwide every year.
Because Legionella bacteria are found naturally within the environment it can be expected that the potential exists for Legionella to enter and proliferate (grow in numbers) within domestic, industrial and commercial water systems we generally come into contact with on a daily basis. In order for the bacteria to cause ill health effects, a susceptible individual has to be exposed and inhale the contaminated aerosol (water droplet containing the Legionella bacteria) and become infected. Susceptibility is largely determined by how robust an individual’s immune systems is and is dependent on a number of factors including age, sex, existing health status, duration of exposure, size of aerosol and many other factors.
Legionella is undoubtedly a hazard which Australian industry is increasingly being forced to take cognisance of via the continued changes to legislation and State and industry based guidelines and codes of practice (such as enHealth Guidelines for Legionella Control in the operation and maintenance of drinking water distribution systems in health and aged care facilities – 2015). If you operate water systems such as domestic hot and cold systems, storage tanks, showers, emergency showers, ice machines, vehicle wash systems, water features, fire hose reels, sprinkler systems, dust suppression systems and other spray systems which result in the creation of an aerosol, the potential exists for a foreseeable risk of exposure to Legionella. It is essential that a holistic view is taken and the entire water system supplying the aerosol generating outlet/s is accurately assessed and an effective Legionella management program implemented.
Ecosafe Adding Value to Legionella Management
Ecosafe International has a Team of Legionella specialists and Legionella risk assessors who are able to assist in removing the uncertainty surrounding Effective Legionella Management within individual States as well as across all States, by providing practical, risk based and cost effective solutions. Our Team provides Legionella solutions across a number of industries including, healthcare, aged care, oil and gas, mining, commercial, power generation, industrial, institutional and recognises the need for a holistic approach to effective Legionella Management.
Legionella Risk Assessments
Development of Legionella Risk Management Plan / Water Risk Management Plan Plan
Implementation of Legionella Risk Management Plan / Water Risk Management Plan Plan
Legionella Sampling and Once Off System Inspections
Legionella Monitoring Program
Legionella Compliance
Legionella Results Interpretation and Reporting
Legionella Incident Investigations, Troubleshooting and Management
Ecosafe has extensive experience and proven track record of undertaking and managing Legionella related investigations and incidents and is well placed to provide practical risk based solutions to Legionella related incidents / events. Support with Legionella incidents / events may include:
- Independent Legionella and water quality results interpretation and determination of the associated potential health risk.
- Legionella investigation and remediation including management of system disinfection and other remedial actions.
- Evaluation of long-term Legionella and water quality performance.
- Development of site or company specific Legionella incident response procedures.
- Legionella incident / event close-out.